As Mughal supremacy declined in Indian subcontinent, many seized the opportunity to become independent rulers. The Marathas, which by then had united under command of Bajirao Peshwa I, were perhaps the most successful. But, soon Marathas found themselves pitched against a new adversary, the British. Maratha Chiefs fought gallantly, but eventually lost the war (the fate was decided in three Anglo-Maratha wars). After defeat of Peshawa Baji Rao II (the last Peshwa) in 1818 by British, the political supremacy of Marathas which was built on the ruins of Mughal empire, came to an end. Marathas remained undisputed military power till beginning of the 19th century and ruled over significant parts of western, central and Northern India. The later Mughal emperors acted as puppet emperor with real power vested with Peshawas (or Shindes/Scindhias). Unfortunately, later Maratha chiefs lacked the foresight and simply failed to fathom superior British diplomacy and military organization. Their inability to put up united front led to the collapse of Maratha empire; British took possession of the whole of subcontinent in a quarter century, as no formidable power left in India to challenge them. 

Now, hundreds of petty rulers, governors and kings who paid allegiance to Marathas (or nominally accepted Mughals as overlords) accepted British supremacy with little resistance, retaining very little political and almost no military independence. These semi-independent states are referred as the Princely states of India, which issued their own coins. There were more than 500 princely states in India, listed in 1931! Some of them e.g. Jammu & Kashmir, Hyderabad, Gwalior etc. were almost as large as England, while others were just few square miles in area. These rulers had a fair degree of independence in governing their subject, collecting taxes and maintaining law and order. Many states issued their own distinct coinage, currency notes and postal stamps. These `Princes’ (Who called themselves Maharajas, Nababs etc.) amassed fabulous wealth under solid protection of British. Indeed quite a few rulers were even richer than Queen/King of England! Some of these princely states were incorporated in British empire by Lord Dalhousy just before 1857. Rest of them were incorporated in modern India (few in Pakistan) soon after independence, in 1947. Shown below are coins of just few such princely states. This area is TOO LARGE to cover, just a few of them are shown.  


Tipu's summer Palace, Srirangapatanam

Mysore was a prosperous region of southern India ruled by various Hindu dynasties. In 1761, Haider Ali, a bandit who rose to be the commander of the army, deposed the king of Mysore, Wodeyar. Although, he took the control of this kingdom, he did not declare himself to be the ruler. His son, Tipu took over after Hyder Ali and promptly proclaimed himself Sultan. British who were trying to cement their rule in southern India soon found him to be the formidable enemy.  Not long after, Tipu and British, commanded by Lord Cornwallis, were in battlefield. Tipu lost the third Anglo-Mysore war in 1792 and had to hand over half of his kingdom and two of his sons as hostages.However, the next round of confrontation was inevitable. Tipu harbored deep resentment against English, he was soon preparing for recovery of lost kingdom. To secure allies, Tipu sent emissaries to Constantinople, Kabul, Versailles and Arabia. He even asked help from French to displace British from south. This time, British acted swiftly and defeated Tipu at his capital, Srirangapatanam in 1799 in the fourth Anglo-Mysore war. Tipu died in the battle and the control of the kingdom reverted back to Wodeyars.

Although endowed with enterprising spirit, Tipu was a zealot, warmonger and lacked the vision. He failed to grasp political savviness of his main adversary, the British. His inability to get along with his neighbors, Marathas and Nabab of Hyderabad, isolated him as a lone entity pitted against British. In reality, both Marathas and Nabab had their own issues against British, which overall were not exploited to put together an united front.

Hyder Ali
Mysore Kingdom 1761-1782 AD or 1174-1197 AH
Weight: 3.4 gm, Gold
Obverse: Shiva and Parvati sitting
Reverse: Persian leter `He’ in dotted field
Reference: KM# 15, Extremely Fine, beautiful specimen

Hyder Ali minted gold coins of about 3.4 gm, commonly called as pagoda, shown above. 3.4 gm gold was standard unit in that period in south India. Interestingly, this coin has Lord Shiva and Parvati shown on obverse. His son Tipu minted very interesting coins, in all the three metals, gold, silver and copper. He too minted pagodas showing Lord Shiva and Parvati. In addition, he also minted `double pagoda’ and `four pagoda’ coins, which are quite rare. Shown below is one such rarity, double pagoda of Tipu. Most of his copper coins had an elephant on obverse. Elephant was royal symbol of this dynasty. His most popular coin is a heavy silver coin called `double Rupee’. Shown below is this rare coin.

Tipu of Mysore
1761-1782 AD
Gold, Double Pagoda 
Weight: 6.8 gms
Minted at Shrirangapatanam (in 1216 AH, yr 6) 
Reference: KM A.129 
Very Rare 
Tipu of Mysore
1761-1782 AD
Silver, Double Rupee 
Weight: 20.6 gms
Minted at Shrirangapatanam (in 1200 AH, yr 4) 
Reference: KM#127
Maysuru Palace

After death of Tipu, British brought in the old reigning Wodeyar dynasty while retaining most military powers. Wodeyar kings especially Krishana Raja Wodeyar were able rulers and made Mysore (also known as Mysuru) as one the best governed and prosperous princely state of India by 20th century. Shown below are coins of this state. The coins issued by King’s Dewan (prime minister) Purnaiya on behalf of King, shows a Shardula, a mythical tiger. The Shardula has been in usage on coins for earlier dynasties of Karnataka region, some of which are described in other sections of this website.

Krishana Raja Wodeyar
Minted at Mysore, issued by Diwan Purnaiya 1799-1810 AD 
Copper, 25 cash
Weight: 11.2 gms
Reference: C#187
Krishana Raja Wodeyar
Minted at Mysore
Copper, two and Half Cash
Weight: 2.8 gm 
Reference: C#190.2

Awadh or Oudh

Awadh was very fertile and prosperous province of northern India (modern Uttar Pradesh state) with very high density of population. The name Awadh is derived from word Ayodhya, capital of Lord Rama, the legendary King and hero of epic Ramayana. Awadh was an important province of Mughal empire. In 1720, Saadat Khan, adventurer and a merchant was appointed as a Subhedar (Governor) by Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah. Gradually, Awadh became an independent kingdom as power of Mughals diminished. Opulence in courts of Nababs or Nawabs (the kings of Awadh) and their prosperity noticed by British East India Company. This resulted in their direct interference in internal political matters of Awadh. 

Ghaji ud-Din Haider 
1819-1827 AD (1234-1243 AH)
Gold Mohur, Broad Flan
Weight: 10.72 gms
Minted in 1235 AH (1820 AD), Regnal Year 5
Minted at Lucknow (Dar-ul-Saltanat)
Reference:K 170.1, Rare

Sixth Nabab of Awadh, Ghazi ud-Din Haider started a new era in Awadh coinage. In 1815, Marquis Hastings of East India Company persuaded Haider to become independent king, which he promptly did and later issued coins on his name. Ghazi ud-Din introduced very interesting coins, which were completely different from his predecessors. For the first time, Awadh coins were issued on its rulers name instead of Mughal emperor, Shah Alam II. The most important feature of his coinage was introduction of a European-style coat of arms (partially resembled to arms of English Royalty) on reverse of coin, consisting of two fish, two lions, two flags, a Katar (a small dagger) surmounted with a crown, symbolizing king. A pair of fish forming a circle enclose the regnal year above a chain in form of a boat. 

The fish was the royal symbol of this dynasty, which was continued by later rulers. Shown below is a fine example of a silver rupee minted by Nawab Amjad ali Shah, which show fish above which royal crown is shown. Two swords are around the crown and royal canopy.

Amjad Ali Shah 
1842-1847 AD (1258 -1263 AH)
Silver Rupee
Weight: 10.8 gms
Minted in 1258 AH (1842 AD),
Regnal Year 1
Minted at Lucknow (Dar-ul-Saltanat)
Wajid Ali Shah
1847-1856 AD (1263-1272 AH)
Silver Rupee
Weight: 10.8 gms
Minted in 1264 AH (1848 AD)Minted at Lucknow (Mulk Awadh Baitu-s-Sultanat Lakhanau)
Reference: K 365.1

English armies defeated Nawab of Awadh in historically crucial battle of Buxor, in 1764, which started a long process of ceding territories, signing unfavorable treaties and eventually complete loss of power. Wajid Ali Shah was the last Nawab of Awadh. In 1856, his kingdom was annexed by Dalhousie, Governor General of East India Company on the grounds of internal misrule. It was in Awadh where the first great revolt of Indian Independence started in 1857 AD. Shown above on rigt is a fine example of silver rupee minted by this last Nawab.


Soon after death of Auranzeb the Mughal power started its decline and Nizan ul-Mulk, governer of Deccan (or Dakkhan, as southern India was called in `Hindustani’) took his opportunity. He declared his independence and thus came into existence, the Hyderabad state. It was a large powerful and prosperous state with Golkonda fort as the capital. Later the city of Hyderabad was built around the fort. As common among the then rulers of India, rulers of this state were always eyeing to acquire more land instead of good governance and thus perpetually quarreled with the neighbors. Nizam was twice defeated by powerful Marathas, limiting his ambitions of having large empire.

However, soon he found another opportunity, he allied with British and helped them to defeat Marathas, and later Tipu of Mysore. This move, made in total self interest made British the true ruler of whole of south and central India. Hyderabad became a largest Indian state in British India and Nizams or rulers of this state were the richest men in world till 1940s. Hyderabad rulers minted gold coins called `Ashrafi’ showing `Char Minar’, a building with four minarets. Shown below is one such specimen. Also Shown below is the copper coin of this state. 

Mir Usman Ali Khan
1329-1368 AH or 1911-1948 AD 
Gold, Asharfi
Weight: 11.17 gms
Minted in 1343 AH, Year 14
Reference: Y57a
Mir Mahboob Ali Khan
Copper, Half anna
Weight: 10.6 gm
Minted in 1906


In 1686, king of Pallawa dynasty (ruled in modern Tamilnadu state) was defeated by a Ragunatha Tondaiman. Ragunatha, rose from a soldier and later founded a small kingdom. Later Tondaiman kings helped British against French colonial occupation of southern India. This small princly state like all other princely state eventually merged in Rupublic of India in 1947. 

In 1890s, a hoard of Roman gold coin was found here. Interestingly, most of these coins where defaced by slashmark, especially on the obverse where the portrait of Roman emperor was depicted. 

Martanda Bhairava
Minted in 1889 AD at Birmingham mint
Weight: 1.2 gm (KM#6)
Copper, Amman Cash


Jhabua was a small princely state in central India (Madhya Pradesh state in modern India). It was feudatory state under protection of Maratha rulers, Holkars of Indore . Jhabua was ruled by Rajput Kings although state was mostly populated by various tribals. Shown above is coin of this state which seems to be the only remaining specimen! The obverse shows numeral 1 while reverse shows Swastika. 

Copper, One Paisa
Weight: 13.26 gm 
Obverse: Swastika symbol
Unpublished, Probably unique 

More than 500 such princely states were present in India prior to 1947. Coins of some of the states are enclosed. This area is too large to cover in this small section.